A chick hatchery is generally a large company (sometimes a huge company) that hatches out chicks for farmers. The first chicks we ever bought was from a hatchery, but the quality of the chicks was so poor that I swore never to purchase chicks from a hatchery again. This undercover investigation recently revealed another good reason to not purchase chicks from a hatchery. This video is of a hatchery for laying hens and shows what goes into the production of most of the eggs you purchase from the grocery store. The laying hens who survive the hatchery don't leave to greener pastures either, but that's for a later post...
Before you watch this video, make sure you're sitting down and you haven't eaten. Also, at the end it says that you should become a vegetarian or vegan. I have no problem with this, but you should know that not all animals are raised cruelly. For those of us who are carnivores, it's important to know that cruelty does occur, but that there are producers out there (like Flip Flop Ranch) where the animals live happy, healthy lives from beginning to end. However, there are millions of animals out there who are being treated horribly and I felt it was important to let people know. Please, please, please purchase your meat, eggs and milk from local farmers so that you know where your food is coming from, that it is healthy, and that it was raised cruelty-free.